The Awakening Starseeds Book Series is an ongoing, multi-year-long global collaboration project featuring a new collection of visionary authors pioneering the New Earth in every consecutive volume. Think Harry Potter for readers at the cutting edge of consciousness
As old paradigm structures are crumbling and millions of people are gripped by fear and despair, a wave of awakening Souls and Starseeds span the globe, spreading the message of freedom, renewal, and the promise of a great Neo-Renaissance for humanity. Where do they come from? How do they see the world, and what potential can they unfold?
Chapter by chapter, readers find themselves inspired to think beyond their old, ingrained belief systems and reach into their hearts and minds to step into the future they’ve always dreamed of. To get a pre-sale kindle of Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 3, Dreaming into the Future. You can grab a copy HERE:
Q. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
My mom told me I would write books when I grew up because I had a large collection of storybooks when I was a kid. I wrote these story books. They were so detailed, full of adventures, and even drew the pictures for the books. Later, I used poetry to work through my emotions. In High School, I wanted more interesting writing classes and took College elective courses instead of my High School classes. It was far more interesting to be with 60-year women with exciting stories than with teens with no experiences. Later, when I lived in LA, I started to study screenwriting and wrote a few scripts as well. Writing is something I’ve always been drawn to. So, I’ve been making books since I was a kid! I have been much more structured with my Publishing House for the past few years.
Q. What inspired you to curate and write in the ‘Awakening Starseeds series?
The series started in 2019 and was an inspired download to create these collaborative books and invite other authors to share their spiritual, healing, and inspiring stories. I felt that many people were having these ‘awakenings’ worldwide, and I thought it would be amazing if they wrote about it. I was surprised by how many people related to these books and the series. It’s taken off a life of its own. We curate one Awakening Starseeds Book annually and open those spaces to authors. Here is the collection 1-3 that are all out now!
Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 1, Shattering Illusions back cover description: Welcome to the World’s first and original Awakening Starseed book series. We realized it’s time to come together with other Starseeds to journey into this historical time we live in. From this age of darkness, Kali Yuga, we are entering the age of truth and light, Satya Yuga. As we watch the crumbling of the old paradigm, we can choose to be fearful or decide to step into our divine power, purpose, and truth. This book series is a bridge to other Starseeds who are looking for inspiration and guidance. Each story contains Starseed messages, transmissions, and activations to inspire you. You can grab a copy HERE:
Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 2, Stories Beyond the Stargatecover description: Wisdom keepers spoke of prophecies of how life on our planet would be unrecognizable in the Future. That time is now. We realized that the clarion call has come for us to journey into this historical time. The portals and Stargates are opening, and light codes are flooding in. Starseeds are here to capture those light codes towards transformation into new Earth. Join nineteen Starseeds as they share their experiences, awakenings, and transformation. The awakening Starseeds book series is the first of its kind in the World. It is a mystical book that embodies Activations, storytelling, and healing. Grab a copy at Barnes & Noble:
Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 3, Dreaming into the Future Back cover description: As old paradigm structures are crumbling and millions of people are gripped by fear and despair, a wave of awakening Souls and Starseed spans the globe, spreading the message of freedom, renewal, and the promise of a great Neo-Renaissance for humanity. Chapter by chapter, readers find themselves inspired to think beyond their old, ingrained belief systems and reach into their hearts and minds to step into the Future they’ve always dreamed of. You can grab a copy HERE:
Q. What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
I love storytelling, and I love hearing and reading others’ stories. I appreciate the raw and real voice of the Soul. We work with a team of people to help curate the books, and multiple authors at a time, so it’s a big process that requires about six months per book. It truly does take a village and aligned authors for the collaborative books. But we’ve been lucky that these Collaborative Authors have found us from all over the World, simply by word of mouth!
Q. What books or authors have most influenced your writing?
My first influence would be Louise Hay and her book; You Can Heal Your Life. I first read it in my teens, and it’s a timeless book that planted powerful seeds within me that healing is possible. Later, those little seeds activated within me, and I studied Energy Healing and its many modalities. I’ve had a love affair with the healing arts and personally took over a dozen training sessions, including teacher training, and ended up creating my modality, Goddess Activation™. All of this passion for the Healing Arts prompted me to curate a collaborative book called Energy Healing & Soul Medicine that came out earlier this year.
Q. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Artistic, Empathic, Visionary.
Q. Writing can be an emotionally draining, stressful pursuit. Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I would say to find a writing group that keeps you accountable to stay on track. Work with a writing coach that can work with you throughout your entire project, build your confidence and see you through completion. If you don’t want to spend a year or two writing your book, you can always join a collaborative book so that you can write a chapter, and it’s not as hard and time-consuming as having to write an entire book yourself. Because yes, writing an entire book is a LOT of work. We always have Collaborative Author opportunities, writing courses, and 1-1 coaching available at Radhaa Publishing House.
Q. Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers? Yes! I have quite a few collaborative projects that I will write a chapter and curate are: Awakening Starseeds: Vol. 4, Solutions for a Better Future. Poems from the Heart. These are collaborative books set to be released in 2023 and open for other contributing authors to join us! So if you feel the call, reach out to the Radhaa Publishing House team!
Radhaa Nilia, is a best selling author, intuitive teacher, and forward-thinking speaker on feminine empowerment and leadership. Radhaa is also the Modality Creatrix of Goddess Activations™. And a teacher at Goddess Code Academy: A Mystical school for the Divine Feminine. With a deep love for Healing and Storytelling, Radhaa’s otherworldly gifts guided her to create Radhaa Publishing House. A heart-centered Publishing company focuses on collaborative books. RPH offers creative writing programs and one-to-one coaching for up-and-coming authors. Join mailing list to receive upcoming information about our books and programs: